Westerly Girls Softball League Spring 2024 Recreation Rules
Game times will be approximately 90 minutes in duration, or 7 complete innings. The last inning will be declared as the game nears 80 minutes in duration. It is the responsibility of both managers and the umpire to ensure that the last inning is called, and to monitor the game so that it can be concluded in approximately 90 minutes. Should the last inning continue past 90 minutes, the game will continue until the final inning is complete unless directed by the umpire due to weather or darkness. No field warm ups after the 3rd inning.
All games will have a 15-minute grace period from the official start time. After the 15 minutes, the team without the proper number of players will have to forfeit the game. Games will start when each team has 8 players. If a forfeit occurs, the forfeiting team shall borrow a player(s) so the game can be played as a scrimmage.
A team must play with 9 players in the field with a continuous (all player present) batting order. At a minimum, a team may play with 8 players, if that is the amount present.
Where applicable, ALL players must sit at least one (1) inning in a game AND all players shall sit one (1) inning BEFORE any player sits two (2) or more innings. A player cannot sit for consecutive innings. This rule does not apply to pitchers.
Any pitcher that hits 3 batters in an inning must be taken out of that inning only. The batter must make a good attempt to get out of the way of the pitch (a batter hit by a “rolling” pitch does not count as a hit batter). Umpire's discretion.
Bunting and slapping is allowed at all times in both divisions.
Unlimited walks in 10u and Junior divisions.
For all “non-force” plays at a base where there is a legitimate chance to tag the runner out, the runner must slide into the base (this legitimate chance for a tag out is at the discretion of the umpire). The runner will be called out in the event she does not slide. Note: the field player cannot block the base without possession of the ball (interference would be called).
Any debate or discussion with the umpire will include both managers at the pitcher’s mound to discuss the problem. The Umpire has the final decision. Coaches should carry a copy of these rules to clarify decisions.
All other rules are governed by USA rules unless specified by league.
Additional Rules for the 10u Division ONLY
Face masks will be worn by all girls playing the infield.
Teams may choose to play 10 players in the field.
There will be a 3 run “cap” per inning, with the exception of the last inning, where teams will go through their batting order once or until three outs are made, whichever comes first.
Coaches will pitch the 1st, 3rd and 5th innings of an official game.
During coach pitch, the player in the pitcher’s position should handle exchanges between the pitcher and the catcher and stand in the circle next to the coach pitching. The coach should not be the one receiving the ball from the catcher.
Walks are not permitted during coach pitch.
During a regular season game, a coach may relieve their pitcher if the pitcher is struggling to maintain the adequate pace of the game with agreement between coaches. If a coach chooses to relieve his/her own pitcher, the switch cannot be made during the middle of an at bat.
Upon the umpire declaring the final inning, a player must pitch the final inning. In the event of an extra inning game, a player must pitch the final inning.
Allowed 2 successful steals per inning to home on passed balls only. No stealing of home during coach pitch unless a coach relieves a struggling pitcher. At this point, a player may steal home as long as the 2 successful steals have not been recorded for that inning.
Runners may advance a base only on a passed ball outside the catcher circle. In the event a runner takes a lead off of a base and the ball is controlled within the batter’s circle, the catcher can throw to the base the runner is leading off of as a force out. No runner may advance on the catcher throw.
Infielders may not be positioned closer than the pitcher’s mound as the pitch is thrown. Infielders will be able to charge after the pitch is thrown when the batter is bunting.
Additional Rules for the Junior (5th-8th) Division ONLY
Face masks will be worn by all girls playing all infield positions.
Team are required to use at least two pitchers in the game. Each pitcher must pitch at least one inning. An “inning pitched” is defined as >2 outs achieved by a pitcher in an inning.
There will be a 4 run “cap” rule per inning. The last inning is unlimited runs.
A runner can steal after the pitcher releases the ball. Teams are allowed 3 total steals to 2nd or 3rd base per inning. A runner can advance anytime on a passed ball (outside of the circle) and does not count as a steal.
A runner is allowed to advance on a ball outside of the circle. This does not count as a steal attempt.
Drop 3rd strike is allowed.